
My Graduation from Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Bogor Agricultural University
(December 1st,  2010)

~ me, my mom and my dad ~

~ with vivit, were always together since d 1st day on d vet med faculty... were was on the same group in introvet (vet med faculty freshment orientation), were was on d same conselor group, were was always got a same class, were doing final research together, and were graduation together... Great!!! ~ 

~ with Aesculapius class mate ~ 

 ~ With Karun, Fenay, Laras, Pite, and Tika ~

 ~ With Pite, Reni, Fenay, and Bu Is ~

 ~ With Pite and my Mom ~

 ~ With Karun, Bu Is, Pite, Fenay, and Laras ~

 ~ With Fenay, Titi, and Laras ~

 ~ With KFC (Krucil Fans Club) Piyo, Vivit, and Reni ~

 ~ With Piyo ~

 ~ With my brother and sister ~


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